Eight years without Sophia, in Ugandan press

October 28th, the day Sophia disappeared, now eight years ago.
A period of time that is hard to comprehend. It sounds long, but it doesn’t feel that way.
It still feels like a few months ago that we took Sophia to the airport, with her brand-new backpack and equally new hiking boots. The memory of where, and when, they were bought, is a fresh one.

That October 28th is an extra raw confrontation with Sophia’s physical absence in our lives, and with the many, many questions that are still there. Questions that may never be answered but that is never a reason not to search for answers.
So we continue to search, for those answers, for Sophia.

October 28th is also a day that cannot pass unnoticed, certainly not in Uganda.
This year as well, the two large English language newspapers have both published an article about Sophia’s disappearance.

Friday October 27th in The New Vision:

NV cropped

The online version:


Today, Sunday October 29th in The  Daily Monitor:

DM Sophia full page

The online version:


We remain very grateful for all support and help, in whatever shape or form, that friends and strangers continue to give us.

Marije Slijkerman
Gerard, Max and Jan Koetsier