Sophia is 26 today
Today it is 26 years ago that Sophia was born. A beautiful child that

Four years without Sophia
October 28, 2019, marks four years without Sophia. Our lovely, smart, strong-willed, lively, cheerful, ambitious

Sophia’s disappearance on TV in Uganda
On July 5 I returned home from my tenth journey to Uganda. As with each

Sophia’s disappearance in Ugandan papers
Early April an American tourist and her driver were abducted in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Sophia is 25 today
Today is Sophia’s 25th birthday, her fourth birthday in incomprehensible absence. She was born at

Three years without Sophia
Three years ago Sophia disappeared and the ongoing nightmare started. Three years of devastating insecurity,

Sophia is 26 today
Today it is 26 years ago that Sophia was born. A beautiful child that came into this world with a head full of dark

Four years without Sophia
October 28, 2019, marks four years without Sophia. Our lovely, smart, strong-willed, lively, cheerful, ambitious and beautiful daughter and sister. It is unreal, incomprehensible, unacceptable

Sophia’s disappearance on TV in Uganda
On July 5 I returned home from my tenth journey to Uganda. As with each of my journeys, new contacts were made, including with Ugandan

Sophia’s disappearance in Ugandan papers
Early April an American tourist and her driver were abducted in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda. This park is situated to the south of

Sophia is 25 today
Today is Sophia’s 25th birthday, her fourth birthday in incomprehensible absence. She was born at home, on an early Tuesday afternoon in 1993. Her father and

Three years without Sophia
Three years ago Sophia disappeared and the ongoing nightmare started. Three years of devastating insecurity, a daily confrontation with a forest of question marks, a